Picture This connects children from La Jala Elementary School in Coron, Palawan with kids all over the United States. Pen Pals offer these kids something that money can’t buy - friendship.
Many indigenous children lack the confidence to believe they can break the cycle of poverty and achieve their dreams. We have seen this upon our visits, and how drastically their view of self can change when they have an outsider tell them that they are smart, able, and capable.
To have an encouraging friend on the other side of the globe provides them that self-esteem boost they need, while giving them encouragement to finish and flourish in school.
Along with helping the kids of La Jala, our pen pal program helps to broaden the world-views of kids in the U.S. and introduce them to different cultures. By broadening kid’s world views, we can create a more unified world with a deeper sense of compassion and understanding.
After you have completed our sign up steps, we will mail you a photo of your new pal and their bio.
Each month, we give your child a new question to answer and picture to draw, to help your child and their pal to get to know each other better.
For the mailing process, we personally connect your child to their new friend hassle free! You mail your child's letters and drawings to our California address, and we deal with the process of international shipping. When your pal responds, we mail your new La Jala friend’s letters directly to you!
By signing up, you agree to write to your pen pal for at least a year, and we encourage children to stay in the program for as many years as they wish.