We Connect
We connect hearts across the globe through our pen pal program. We plan assignments and activities for kids to cultivate connection, and process all mail to and from the Philippines.
We Transport
We run a free ferry service with our Picture This boat to transport kids between islands who can’t afford to get to school on the public transport system.
We Preserve
We have established a reward system for repurposing plastic bottles and litter into ecobricks. This systems helps keep the village clean and educates the children and community about environmental preservation.
We Support
We support students lacking basic necessities by providing them with hygiene supplies, school supplies, and clothing. We also offer educational support to assist them in learning the skills they need to become independent change makers in their community.
Picture This connects students in La Jala, a remote fishing village in the Philippines, with kids all over the U.S.A. Our goal is to unify different cultures and uplift the community of La Jala by aiding students with basic resources, and empowering kids to reach their fullest potential.
What makes Picture This special, is our pen pal program. Donating money is an incredible act, but we believe what makes the biggest impact on a community is human connection. That’s why in addition to donating resources, we make it our mission to connect hearts through our pen pal program.
Our pen pal program and our team’s annual visits to the village have been driving factors behind why many kids have continued to stay in school, and to want to continue to learn English which is crucial for their tourist-booming economy.
As their environment is changing through tourism, we aim to give students the encouragement and tools they need to adapt to these changes while still preserving their own culture. The more kids that continue education, the more kids that will be able to break the cycle of poverty and achieve a better life for their families.
Picture This also provides jobs for locals in La Jala to help us run our organization on their side of the world. These jobs give them opportunities to build their leadership and communication skills, while helping us uplift the students and their community.
Along with helping the kids of La Jala, our program also helps to broaden the world-views of kids in the U.S. and introduce them to new culture. By broadening kid’s world views, we can create a more unified world with a deeper sense of compassion.